The HOMCS is a Cooperative Society established under the
Laws of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and is vested in the seven
internationally recognized principles of Cooperatives and its amplification
adumbrated by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) 2022 Convention. The
HOMCS embraces and fully subscribes to the values of the International Labor
Organization (ILO) as well as the principles that underscore the United Nations
(UN) sponsored International Decade of People of African Descent (IDPAD).
Recognizing the historical and current challenges, the HOMCS
is pursuing fundamental human rights to liberty, justice, truth, and prosperity
through engagement, vigilance, relentless advocacy against racism and racial
discrimination, learning, and productivity. Women, Youth, and underserved
villages are central to the focus of HOMCS. We recognize Agriculture production
as fundamental to creating wealth and critical for food security and humanity's
general well-being.
The Core Values of HOMCS are grounded in Social, Economic,
and Business objectives, representing the central pillar of the HOMCS
membership AND the communities it serves. The HOMCS embraces internationally
accepted principles of one humanity and shared human dignity. We believe in the
just application of the Rule of Law and the principles of Cooperation.
We share the values of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), NGUSO SABA, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). We value social and economic justice and the elimination of poverty. The pillars of transformational change for the underserved are strong when built on productive engagement and advocacy, but its sustainability begins with what we believe about ourselves as a society.
Sociocultural self-awareness of everyday
social and cultural factors driving the business.
Funding provided by Caribbean Development Bank and the 11thEDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme
Technical Assistance Programme.
The views expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not
reflect those of the Technical Assistance Programme.