Eco Farming & Entrepreneurship

We recognize Agriculture production not only as fundamental to the creation of wealth but as being critical for food security and our general wellbeing.

Eco Farming & Entrepreneurship

We recognize Agriculture production not only as fundamental to the creation of wealth but as being critical for food security and our general wellbeing.

Passing on the Legacy

Welcome to HOMCS.

Social and Economic Development for our Members and Communities

The HOMCS is a Cooperative Society established under the Laws of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (Guyana – Cooperative Act (Ch. 88.01) and is vested in the seven internationally recognized principles of Cooperatives as well as its amplification expressed by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) 2022 Convention. The HOMCS embraces and fully subscribes to the values of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as well as the principles that underscore the United Nation’s (UN) sponsored International Decade of People of African Descent (IDPAD).

"Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity and are autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
In 1970 in an attempt to capture the cooperative ideal to help mend an ethnically fractured state Guyana was declared a Cooperative Republic and both the traditional and modern forms of co-operation were emphasised." - Dr Henry Jeffrey

Where We Are Heading

 Bringing technology to farming

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation


Providing support to our members

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Latest News & Insights

Best Way to Do Eco and Agriculture

Cooperative Today

‘Cooperative today’ “The co-operative ideal is as old as human society. It is the idea of confli...

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Best Way to Do Eco and Agriculture

Govt’s drainage and irrigation interventions reaping massive benefits

The proactive approach by the Government of Guyana to mitigate the challenges of climate, especially in the...

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Best Way to Do Eco and Agriculture

Rose Hall Estate gets $100M worth in machines to advance cultivation

The preparation process for cultivating sugar cane at the Rose Hall Estate, East Canje, Berbice, has been a...

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We care about Caribbean Food Security & the impacts of Climate Change.


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Funding provided by Caribbean Development Bank and the 11thEDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme Technical Assistance Programme.
The views expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of the Technical Assistance Programme.